Thursday, October 27, 2011


Ideal Ventilation

Best Cooler will not be effective if heat tertahan in casing. just Overcome by using fan casing

To improve;repair the cooler pc install a fan casing [is] easy way and termuranh. Hot weather thrown [by] exit casing so that temperature in decreasing. Progressively lower the temperature in casing, effective progressively cooler CPU, Graphics Card and motherboard work the. Fan with quality, for example

Saturday, October 8, 2011

For The Teacher of which Responsibility at Student

The legal basis for the development of character education, among others:
1. Act Amendments of 1945
2. Law Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education System
3. Government Regulation Number 19 Year 2005 on National Education Standards

Go To Prefect Education

Act No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System in article 45, paragraph 1 mandates that every formal and nonformal education units providing facilities that meet the educational needs in accordance with the growth and development of potential physical, intellectual, social, emotional, and psychiatric participants learners.

Seven steps for changes tamplate blog

You ask how to change the blog template iyu easy, just follow these steps

  1. Go to dashboard
  2. Choose a design


/ ip firewall nat chain = dstnat dst-address = protocol = tcp dst-port = 88 action = dst-nat to-addresses =

Steve Jobs RIP

Citizens of the world deserves to feel the loss over the death of the founder of Apple Inc.., Steve Jobs. Within minutes, words of grief and sympathy flowing from various circles, starting from the President of the United States Barack Hussein Obama.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The computer failed to load the operating system

When starting a turn on the computer but the restart failed or recurrent back on. because:
Processor fan jammed.

Being a Big Man

Great people are always moving with smooth like the wind. 
1. Computer assembling
2. Open the hidden files because the virus
4. Creating 3D animations
    Create a layer and activate the menu animation
    Use your logic to get an animation with Photoshop

Registration UNES
Registration UNSOED
Registration UI
Registration ITB

Skin Back Soft in Photoshop

1. Pilih gambar yang akan di hilangkan nodanya pada kulit atau wajahnya seperti jerawat 2. Copy Layer 3. Pilih Image + Adjustments + Invert ...